Masters of the Universe Classics Update

Mattel posted a Masters of the Universe Classics update on Facebook.  With respect to their proposed solution for subscriptions and bonus figures, I think they’re thinking too specifically about MOTU when they talk about estimating the number of bonus figures so that they can be included in the sub.

I am *not* looking for a sub that includes the bonus figures too.  I want a more general solution that simply lets me combine any order I place that month with my sub – that way I can combine shipping not only with MOTU Classics bonus figures, but with DC Universe Classics, Ghostbusters, and any other items I might want to pick up.  Doesn’t that make more sense to you?

Matty and MOTU Classics update

MOTU Classics TeelaMOTU Classics Zodak

Hey He-Fans,

Wanted to give everyone the latest update on MOTU Classics and try to answer some outstanding questions on the brand.

First off, Teela is sold out. Those who have a 2009 Club Eternia subscription will be getting Teela just as planned. We may not have gotten the shipping confirmation off as quick as we wanted, but the subscriptions were sent first, with the remaining stock sold on (and now sold out!)

So if you have a subscription, never fear, the Warrior Goddess is on her way!

In other news, we have completed our customer service hand over to Digital River. We now have a dedicated online customer service option in addition to the 1 877 GO MATTY phone number. By moving customer service from Mattel to Digital River, we are able to better sync the shipping with customer service to better answer your questions and provide the best service possible.

We’ll also have a ton of new content coming soon to the site such as bulletin boards, product archives and heritage product galleries. We’re working everyday to make the site more accessable and user friendly!

A lot of fans have also asked why the 2010 subscription can’t include the “bonus figures” (like Zodak, Goddess and Battle Armor He-Man). The answer is simple. We don’t yet know how many bonus figures we are doing in 2010. The subscriptions can only be for guaranteed figures, and the only figures we know for sure are the 12 monthly figures starting in 2010 with Adora in January.

Right now we are keeping a careful eye on Zodak and the next few “bonus” non subscription figures. If these do well, we will continue the second figure or Large Scale Beast skus in 2010 in some months. If they do not do well, we will just roll the bonus figures into the monthly figure releases. This is why we can’t comment on figures past Moss Man right now.

Once we have a better idea of how much support their is for extra figures, we can lock down exactly how many we will do in 2010 and will then add them to the 2011 subscription. 2010 is still a testing ground, so bear with us as we work out whether or not their is enough support to keep the bonus figures going!

Drop a line anytime and I’ll do my best to answer as quick as possible to keep all of our fans in the loop! Great stuff is coming in 2010, just hold onto your hats cause this will be a wild ride!


via Facebook | Matty and MOTU Classics update.