Toy Fair 2015: Square Enix Launches Play Arts Kai Marvel Variants Line

Toy Fair 2015 Square Enix Play Arts Kai Marvel Variants (1 of 7)

Square Enix has broadened their non-video game licenses to include the Marvel Universe, by virtue of their Play Arts Kai Variants line. Variants reimagine characters with hyper-stylized designs. With their DC, Square Enix used Variants to extend their DC lines beyond the movie and Arkham lines they already had in place. Marvel Variants, in contrast, allows Square Enix to skirt the edges of existing comic book or movie licenses that may belong to other licensees.

The Marvel Variants line begins with Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Thor, and Square Enix also teased an upcoming Venom in silhouette. With prices creeping up, the DC Variants are now in the $95 and up range from $60 – 70 a couple of years ago. If Marvel comes in at these prices, what’s your interest in the new line?