DC Universe Classics (Mostly) Sinestro Corps

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Unlike the group shot of my Green Lantern Corps, my Sinestro Corps has no customs or modified figures – it consists solely of figures straight off the retail shelves. Up until DC Universe Classics wave 20, I did have a slightly modded Sinestro from way back in wave 3, which used the Prodigy method of adding height at the waist swivel.

While that was a slightly taller and slightly more tolerable Sinestro, the wave 20 figure ended up being taller and is now my default SC Sinestro – although I am not too happy about his collar or his stubby forearms. For the latter, I think they should have found a way to use the forearms from the Black Lantern Abin Sur. And while I’m whining, c’mon, Mattel – that was really lazy using papa Mongul for Mongul junior.

My only non-DCUC figure here is the DC Direct Kryb. I’d still like to see a DC Direct Lyssa Drak.

DC Universe Classics (Mostly) Green Lantern Corps


Here’s the Green Lantern Corps as it exists on my shelves. Well, that’s not exactly true – I’ve got one of the cubes in my shelving unit for both the GLC and the Sinestro Corps, and a lot of the more recent Green Lanterns from Green  Lantern Classics and DC Direct had been left out because there just isn’t enough space. A reorganization of the cubes is long overdue, so I’ll be taking some time to take some shots of the various groups as I decide what to do with them.

While Mattel has done an admirable job bringing together the GLC, I’ve filled some gaps with DC Direct figures and customs. From DCD, I’ve got Arisia and Boodikka from the Blackest Night line. Custom-wise, you may have seen our previous posts for Tomar Re, Hal Jordan, and Guy Gardner. And there’s one more simple custom that’s new to the mix.

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CC30: Star Sapphire (Silver/Bronze Age) by Hagop

Leaping from the pages of the classic Green Lantern comics of the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s, it’s Carol Ferris as the deadly and bewitching Star Sapphire!

Made with parts from DC Direct’s original Star Sapphire figure and Green Lantern Classics modern Star Sapphire, with some additional sculpting.

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DC Direct Batman, Inc. Batman and Robin

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DC Direct’s new Batman, Inc. series hit comic shops a couple weeks ago and my Bros, PBJMan and Xavion2004, were pretty excited about Robin-Damian, so I decided to pull the trigger and ordered both Robin and Batman from an online retailer.

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