WebSwipe: Hot Toys Iron Man Armored Whiplash and Mark 42 – OneSixthWarriors.com

Hot Toys Iron Man 2 Whiplash Hot Toys Iron Man 3 Mark 42

The folks at OSW found a magazine preview of two upcoming Hot Toys releases – the armored Whiplash from Iron Man 2 and the Mark 42 armor from Iron Man 3, which opens in the US on May 3. With the DieCast logo, the initial thinking was that both figures would be part of the new sub-line, but it may be that only the Mark 42 will be diecast, while Whiplash will be in the more affordable main line.

As much as I love Mickey Rourke (he was an awesome Marv in Sin City) I found his Ivan Vanko, and the rest of IM2, a bit flat. So I skipped the first Whiplash from Hot Toys, but I will be pretty tempted to pick this one up. After all, anything armored from Hot Toys Iron Man turns out pretty damn cool.

via Hot Toys 1/6 Movie Masterpiece Diecast – Whiplash Mark II and Ironman 3 MK XLII – OSW: One Sixth Warrior Forum.