Free Stuff!

Everybody loves Free Stuff!  Welcome to the “Free Stuff” section of!

I’ve been an action figure collector for many years now. As my wife could tell you, I’ve got far too many toys for the limited space that we’ve got. So, to alleviate some of the over-crowding in our house, and to promote this website, I’d like to share some of the wealth with you.

How to get your chance to win Free Stuff

Sign up for one or more of AFP’s free subscriptions, and stay up-to-date with our latest pics, reviews, and news. All three are free, and we will never, ever, sell your e-mail address or send you spam. Whenever the Free Stuff pile gets big enough for my wife to complain about, I’ll select a winner at random from the AFP subscribers. It’s that simple!

Subscription Service Instructions
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We’ll send you an e-mail digest, at most once per day, with our latest articles and pictures.
Enter your email address:
  1. Enter your email address in the box above, for example,
  2. Click the “Subscribe” button.
  3. We will send you a confirmation to the email address you entered.
  4. Simply click on the link in the email to confirm your subscription, and you’re done. Easy peasy!
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We’ll send links to your Facebook wall whenever we publish an article or pictorial.
  1. Visit the AFP Fan Page on Facebook.
  2. Click the “Become a Fan” button.
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We’ll tweet a link whenever we publish an article or pictorial.
  1. Visit the @ActionFigPics page on Twitter.
  2. Click the “Follow” button.

The Fine Print

  • Free Stuff giveaways will be conducted at the discretion of – this contest may be withdrawn at any time.
  • Free Stuff winners will be selected by random drawing from subscribers to the mailing list.
  • Prizes will be shipped to the winners directly from Winners who want their prize shipped outside of the United States will be responsible to pay for all shipping costs, including but not limited to shipping, taxes, and tariffs. In the event that a winner does not elect to pay these costs, an alternate winner will be selected.
  • staff members are not eligible for this contest (sorry guys!)
  • By accepting the prize, the winner agrees to hold and the manufacturer(s) of Free Stuff prizes and their respective directors, officers, employees and assigns harmless against any and all claims and liability arising out of the use or redemption of the prizes.

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