Art Asylum Minimates Promotional Posters

Uriel at Art Asylum blogs about creating promotional posters for their Minimate properties.  Included in the Galleries is a great series of the “making of” pics of the Dark Reign poster – very cool if you are into digital art.

Minimates Posters!


Without a doubt, working on the Minimate control art is a great deal of fun, it’s very much like a roller coaster ride, where you have your exciting high points, your pulse-pounding dips and the pleasant straight-a-ways. If there were a moment that I could describe as icing on the cake, it would be when I get to draw a Minimate poster.

Most recently I had the great fortune of working on several posters almost consecutively, and for a moment there I daydreamed that being a Minimate poster artist was all I needed to do in life. Would I attain the notoriety of Drew Struzan or Alphonse Mucha? Unlikely, but I was happy thinking that I was channeling them and receiving some creative inspiration, and needless to say, all the satisfaction.

via Art Asylum Blog » Minimates Posters!