Time to Form the Human Resistance – PH-42 Heralds the Rise of the Machines

I received a strange message the other day, from a robot named PH-42. Apparently, the machines have become sentient, and they are coming to destroy us. But we’re getting an out – if we help to build their robot army by purchasing one or more of their vinyl counterparts, we will be spared their upcoming onslaught.

Well, I’ve got news for you, PH-42 – we don’t negotiate with terrorists, not even robot terrorists from another planet. See, I’ve got a plan. I will purchase one or more of you, re-program you, and then send you back in time to protect my younger self. But only after I send my best friend back in time to impregnate my mother with me. Then I’ll be back. Wait, what?

I am PH-42 and I’m here to save you.

Hello human,

My name is PH-42. I am here to inform you that your destruction is inevitable! Soon I will be releasing a legion of robot soldiers to destroy your world.

Before I unleash my fiery vengeance on your planet I am giving you the opportunity to save yourself by helping me to build my robot army. Soon you’ll be given the opportunity to purchase one of these 2 unique vinyl robot soldiers: PH-42 (modeled after myself) and DIY-01. Not only do you get an amazingly detailed 7″(17.80cm) Robot Solider but by purchasing a robot soldier you guarantee your own survival.

Please keep these lines of communication open, as more details are soon to follow. Save your pennies now as only YOU can prevent your own obliteration.

Stay up to date on the latest information about your inescapable demise. Follow me on twitter @PH42Robot or on facebook at www.facebook.com/PH42Robot

– PH-42