Captain America: The Winter Soldier fans – for today only, you can pick up Funko’s Pop! Heroes figures from the movie on sale from Entertainment Earth. Captain America, the Black Widow, and the Winter Soldier are about 3.75 inches tall, and will set you back just $6.50 each. Normally, they’re $9.99. Happy shopping!
If Hot Toys’ reveals today from their Winter Soldier line-up weren’t enough to get you pumped for action figures from the movie, they’re also opening a Captain America exhibit today at Hysan Place in Hong Kong. The exhibit will feature the first live reveals of the Winter Soldier and the three Cap figures, as well as dioramas showing scenes from The First Avenger, The Avengers, and The Winter Soldier – recreated with Hot Toys figures.
The big reveal, though, was the acknowledgement that Hot Toys is indeed making a figure of Falcon, even if he wasn’t yet on display. I think he’ll be in high demand – he was pretty well realized in the movie, and I had been pretty skeptical that Marvel could translate this character from the comics to the big screen.
I guess with two weeks to go to the Winter Soldier, there’s going to be a lot of Cap news to report. Diamond Select Toys is next with Marvel Select and Marvel Minimates figures. They picked Falcon and the “Super Soldier” version of Cap for their Marvel Select line-up, and have a full wave of Minimates for the movie.
I’ve been trying to stay away from details about the movie, and if you’re doing the same, you might want to just look at the pictures but not read the last paragraph about the Minimates – it reveals some characters that will be in the movie that might be a pleasant surprise for comic book fans. Zut alors!
I think this straight-haired version sports the best likeness for ScarJo yet – but too close to the real thing means a somewhat vacant stare. With two previous figures, Hot Toys is keeping this basic with a dual pistols, a few sets of hands, and another pair of wrist shooters – I hope this means she’ll actually use them in this movie! You can pre-order the newest Hot Toys Black Widow at Sideshow Collectibles for $189.99.
Hot Toys teased its upcoming figures for Captain America: The Winter Soldier. As might be expected, we’ll eventually be seeing Cap in his regular and Super Soldier costumes, an updated Black Widow with straight hair, and the Winter Soldier. But they also re-posted Marvel’s Falcon movie poster. Is that his backpack in the teaser?
“Gear up. It’s time.” Marvel Studios’ upcoming blockbuster – Captain America: The Winter Soldier will be hitting the theatres worldwide in just a few weeks. Hot Toys is preparing a range of collectibles from the movie and will also be hosting exhibitions in a number of countries in the near future.