Masters of the Universe Classics Club Filmation and Castle Grayskull Pre-Order Closes Monday Morning

Club Filmation Last Chance Castle Grayskull Last Chance

Time is always running out for you to lock in your future MattyCollector purchases. Through this weekend, you’ve got your chance to commit to the new Masters of the Universe Club Filmation subscription. And if you haven’t yet pulled the trigger on Castle Grayskull the last couple of times that time was running out, well, this is it, for real this time!

Mattel introduced Club Filmation at Toy Fair for Masters of the Universe Classics fans who love the two original animated shows. They revealed Icer, Shokoti, and Batros as the first three of six figures planned for the second half of the year. And because we love to be teased, we got a sneak peek at an accessory for one of the remaining three Filmation figures.

Club Filmation Secret Accessory

The smart money is on this being the sword of Sea Hawk from Princess of Power. I admit I drew a blank on the first three, but even I know Sea Hawk. After all, he’s the guy who sabre-blocked Bow and got to smooch She-Ra. And not commonly known, Sea Hawk actually Biebered Adora before Justin Bieber did it to one of his fans – Sea Hawk was doing it before Bieber was even born! How’s that for a badass / creepy guy?

And I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely getting “this is your last chance to pre-order Castle Grayskull” fatigue. Yes, we get it, Mattel! You’re going to keep raising the price on the pre-order every time you can, and then maybe, just maybe, you might offer the Castle on that MattyCollector sale date near the end of the year and bump up the price yet again.

I’m not sure if it’s just a very vocal minority, but every time new info, pictures, or videos are released of the Castle, I hear a lot of people voicing the opinion that the Castle is continuing to shrink. While Mattel is still tinkering with the Castle, probably in response to the public thrashing they’re getting on the interweb, I don’t think the dimensions will change dramatically from what we’ve seen. And I am pretty sure Mattel trying to sell a pre-order based on the b-sheet was guaranteed to disappoint the fanbase down the line.

So what do you guys think? Are you buying Club Filmation? Where do you stand on Castle Grayskull?

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