DC Collectibles Reveals New 52 Lex Luthor in Time-Lapse Digital Sculpting Video

DC Collectibles New 52 Lex Luthor Digital Sculpt ACTION COMICS #23.3 LEX LUTHOR

Superman’s arch-nemesis Lex Luthor will be joining the DC Collectibles line of New 52 action figures, as revealed in a video blog of their digital sculpting approach. I’m a fan of Lex’s armored look, but I haven’t really been following a lot of DC Comics since the New 52 re-launch – so I’m not really sure if there’s been a definitive armored look for him.

Digital sculpting has likely reduced the cycle times and cost of action figure design, but probably not to the point where we can see figures hit shelves concurrent with the latest comic book looks. They’ve gotten a lot closer though, as evidenced by the New 52 line.

DC Collectibles: A Look at Digital Sculpting

For our look behind-the-scenes at DC Collectibles this week, we thought we’d give you a glimpse at the digital sculpting process, one of the several techniques available to us when we’re looking to sculpt a new statue, bust or action figure.

The first thing we do when digitally sculpting an action figure is to block in the essentials as quickly as possible. This is done by creating different low-res polygon proxy models that we’ll either replace or refine as the work progresses. Along with this, we’ll use simple geometry like spheres and cylinders to set up all of the figure’s articulation as it progresses. (And yes, we know. We hated geometry in high school as much as you did–but consider it proof that even the dryest subjects can be used for something really fun!)

Once the model has some definition to it, we use masks and textures to create the final surface and add the finishing touches. Most importantly, there is never a single technique when it comes to digital sculpting. We’re always exploring new ways of solving different artistic and technical challenges. This is fairly new technology and the rules are still being set. We haven’t even begun to scratch its creative surface.

Enjoy this exclusive, time-lapse video giving you a look at the digital sculpt of a brand new, not-yet-announced collectible–the DC Comics – The New 52 Lex Luthor (Armored) Deluxe Action Figure!

via DC Collectibles: A Look at Digital Sculpting | DC Comics.

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