DC Universe Classics Gotham City 5 Available on Walmart.com

Wal-Mart has made available online the DC Universe Classics Gotham City 5, the exclusive 5-pack that includes Batman, Superman, Catwoman, Two-Face, and all-new classic jump-suited Lex Luthor.  This set was very difficult to find a few weeks back, and I’ve heard lots of reports of folks finding sets that had been tampered with, so this may be the best option for you to track this down.

They also have the DC Infinite Heroes Teen Titans 6-pack, containing Robin, Cyborg, Raven, Arsenal, Monsieur Mallah, and the Brain.  There’s only a couple of guys I know that are collecting these, but I know of a few more that are looking to pick this set up just for the Brain, as it’s large enough to work in the DCUC scale.

They have the Site to Store option on both items, if you want to save on shipping costs.