First Look – DC Universe Classics Dr. Mid-Nite –

I love DC Universe Classics, so don’t hate me when I say that sometimes it feels like these toys are coming out too fast.  It feels like I just got wave 11, and wave 12 is right on its heels.  DisThunder from the Fwoosh gives us a quick first look at Dr. Mid-Nite.  I can’t wait to add him to my JSA / Earth 2 shelf!

One of the things about Mid-Nite I’ve always liked is the clean yet striking look of his golden age costume. In fact, it was a deciding factor on whether I liked Pieter or not as well. There’s some really clean transitions here, the glove and boot-lines in particular, and some very good choices in color. Whereas guys like Commander Steel come off very metallic and glossy, Mid-Nite has nice dulled tones, the only bright spots his crescent moon clasps and his goggles- the latter having just a hint of metallic paint.

via First Look – DC Universe Classics Dr. Mid-Nite |