To My Brother Jay

In the early morning hours last night, my brother passed away in his sleep. Despite a very healthy lifestyle (he loved golf, cycling, and playing ice hockey; never smoked; and had to be coerced to have a glass of wine with a meal) he suffered from a heart condition that countless doctors could not figure out. He’s survived by his wife and two wonderful kids.

He’s one of the big reasons I love action figures and photography. I lived with him a few summers while I was in college and he was out in the working world. He had stopped collecting comics, but he let me go through his long boxes, and I was introduced to Eastman and Laird’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Claremont and Byrne’s Uncanny X-Men, Frank Miller’s Daredevil, and a whole lot more. I got hooked.

A few years later, he lived with me while recuperating from a terrible motorcycle accident, but he was a bit disappointed in my comic collection – what can I say? – it was the 90s. When he survived his first heart attack, I gave him a Marvel Legends First Appearance Iron Man. And in more recent times, I shared some titles with him that were more worthy of his attention, like Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men and Brubaker’s Captain America and Immortal Iron Fist.

I spoke to him a couple of days ago. No talk of comics, but I was going to recommend he read Gail Simone’s Secret Six. I feel an emptiness that defies description. Jay, I love you and miss you.

Update: I’m at the airport, waiting for my flight to join my family at my brother’s home. When I first pressed the publish button on this post, I almost immediately recalled it – I thought it was horribly self-indulgent and not what folks are signed up to see here – I apologize if anybody was offended.

For those of you who have left comments or sent me messages directly – thank you so much. I’m still in a daze and imagine I will be this way for some time, but your thoughts and encouragement have been very helpful. Thank you again!

Spider-Man: The Return of the Green Goblin –

Celebrating 50 years of Spider-Man, Bill has shared his latest comic, “Spider-Man: The Return of the Green Goblin” – it’s got the Goblin and many of Spidey’s greatest foes. It’s definitely a classic! You can see more of his comics at Bill’s Comics.

Spider-Man: The Return of the Green Goblin

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Hasbro (Return of) Marvel Legends Wave 3 Deadpool – Evolution of a Picture

I’ve probably mentioned one or two times that I’m a Deadpool fan. And while Daniel Way was writing Deadpool, there was no better Deadpool around than Rick Remender’s Deadpool in Uncanny X-Force. (I’m gonna have to check out the new Deadpool now that Way’s run is finally done.) In the first issue of Uncanny X-Force, there’s this scene where Deadpool is standing on top of the head of this huge statue spewing out a toxic green waterfall from its mouth.

Why did the nickel jump off the building but the dime didn’t? [Deadpool dives!] Dime had more cents.

That panel by Jerome Opena had such a dynamic look, that when I got the RoML 3 Deadpool (yay, X-Force colors!) I wanted to see if I could do it justice in a picture. I thought I hit it in the first shot… but I’ll show you how it evolved during the process to result in what you see above.

Continue reading “Hasbro (Return of) Marvel Legends Wave 3 Deadpool – Evolution of a Picture”

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