Superman Batman Public Enemies Quick Pics

Superman Batman Public Enemies (1200x1200).jpg

We’ve had more in-depth reviews of Superman Batman Public Enemies (see the review from Buzzy Fret and a guest review from Studmuffin), but since I recently completed the Brimstone Build-A-Figure that was split over two waves of these figures, I wanted to take a few more pics. Overall, I think this series works well enough as a standalone line. If you’re a fan of animated-styled figures and the ongoing McGuinness lines from DC Direct, you may find these complementary.

I’d have much preferred these characters done in the DC Universe Classics style. Mattel missed an opportunity to give collectors these characters in a more compatible look as well as the chance to better cross-promote DCUC to people buying figures for the animated movie. I think some of the figures fit in fine with DCUC – but I’ll let you be the judge of that.

Superman Batman Public Enemies - Superman with Gotham City 5 Superman (1200x1200).jpgSuperman Batman Public Enemies - Batman with All-Star Batman (1200x1200).jpgSuperman Batman Public Enemies - Black Lightning with Wave 5 Black Lightning (1200x1200).jpgSuperman Batman Public Enemies - Silver Banshee with DC Super Heroes Supergirl and Gotham City 5 Superman (1200x1200).jpg
Superman Batman Public Enemies - Icicle with Power Girl and Captain Marvel (1200x1200).jpgSuperman Batman Public Enemies - Major Force with Captain Atom (1200x1200).jpgSuperman Batman Public Enemies - Brimstone with Giganta (1200x1199).jpg

One thought on “Superman Batman Public Enemies Quick Pics”

  1. I like these figures. I don’t think they fit in the best, kind of cartoon versions of their comic couterpart. I am still missing Major Force, but I keep hoping. As of last week, I was missing Force and Lightning, and now I am only missing one. Brimstone will soon be mine. I can feel it!

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