C2E2 2010 – Propworx Iron Man Movie Prop Auction


A couple of weeks ago, Chicago had its premier Comic & Entertainment Expo, C2E2, which included an amazing chance to see up close and personal, props from the first Iron Man film. Organized and sold by Propworx, the auction included hero props such as a large Iron Monger torso and Tony Stark’s Mk1 and Mk2 Arc Reactor, as well as extra and stunt props for sale.

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Borders Exclusive Marvel Select Iron Man Mark IV


There are lots of Iron Men to choose from with all the new movie sequel merchandise coming out. This time, Marvel Select gets their fingers in the cookie jar with the Borders exclusive Mark IV armor.

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Toys R Us Exclusive Battlestar Galactica Steath Warrior Cylon

I’ll admit to being an old school “Battlestar” fan, more knowledgeable about the original series than the new. But when I saw this Cylon figure hanging on the pegs at my local Toys R’ Us, i had to pick it up. It has enough of the old look mixed with the new to please the old school fans such as myself.

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