Hot Toys Announces Avengers: Age of Ultron War Machine Mark II

Iron Patriot gets a makeover, reclaims the War Machine name

Hot Toys Avengers Age of Ultron War Machine Mark II 01

I’ll be surprised if Rhodey gets a lot of screen time armored up as War Machine in Avengers: Age of Ultron. It hasn’t been featured in any of the big action sequences revealed thus far. Despite this, Hot Toys is jumping on the opportunity to make another exclusive Iron Man armor. They can do this because War Machine Mark II looks like it’s a repaint of the Iron Patriot diecast figure from Iron Man 3.

If you’re disappointed Rhodey’s armor didn’t get an upgrade, get ready for a little more. Marvel Studios originally had the War Machine repaint ready to go for IM3, but it ended up on the cutting room floor. So if War Machine has more than a brief cameo in AOU, then they really cheaped out on him. How do I know this? Hasbro had a Marvel Legends War Machine Mark II ready to go to support the Iron Man threequel a couple of years ago. (It hasn’t made it to shelves yet.)

No pre-order up yet, but I’ll be checking Sideshow for War Machine later today. For reference, the Hot Toys Iron Patriot was $309.99 when it was first sold – that figure is waitlisted now.

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Weekend Toy Run: Funko Legacy Game of Thrones on Sale – Today Only

Funko Legacy Game of Thrones 1-day sale

Are you ready for the Game of Thrones season 5 premiere this weekend? Entertainment Earth wants to make sure, offering 15% off of the Funko Legacy Game of Thrones figures, just for today. There’s eleven figures on sale, including all but the Hound from wave 1, so it’s a great time to fill those missing gaps in your collection. Most of the figures are armored up and ready to fight. As usual, poor Ned Stark is one of the exceptions – this guy just can’t catch a break.

[Update: @abuddah tweeted that most of the Game of Thrones figures are cheaper on Amazon. Thanks, Andy!]

Of course, if you need someone to push around Arya Stark or get thrashed by Brienne of Tarth, you can pick up the Hound at Amazon. And if you’re a full-on completionist, you can pick up the exclusive SDCC glow-in-the-dark White Walker from last year and the exclusive Walgreens Tyrion Lannister, both in the aftermarket on eBay but not that pricey. Valar morghulis, and happy shopping!

Note: Our email digests are sent out once a day (we don’t want to clog your inbox when we post more than that), and some subscribers can miss out on these one day only sales. Please consider following AFP on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter for instant updates. Happy shopping!

Win the Exclusive Funko Pop Hulkbuster and a Marvel Collector Corps Subscription

Funko Marvel Collector Corps

Funko Pop fans – if you’re looking for the Age of Ultron Hulkbuster, there’s only one way to get it. That’s by being a member of Funko’s Marvel Collector Corps. The Collector Corps will offer a new goodie box every two months to members. For $25, you’ll get a box with $50 worth of Marvel merchandise. The first is due to go out this month, and will include the Funko Pop Age of Ultron Hulkbuster Iron Man, a variant Marvel comic book, and a t-shirt (one of four designs). The next box hasn’t been revealed, but it will have an Ant-Man theme.

But that’s not all – Marvel is sponsoring weekly giveaways leading up to the release of Avengers: Age of Ultron (pre-order your Avengers: AOU tickets on Fandango). Each week, a lucky winner will get a whole year of the Marvel Collector Corps as their prize. That will include the Age of Ultron box with the Hulkbuster Iron Man, five more Marvel boxes with $50 worth of  goodies in them, and an exclusive Founder’s statue. (You can get that too even if you don’t win the giveaway, by subscribing in April and going for the full year.)

It’s easy to enter the giveaway – just post a fan photo on Twitter or Instagram with the #AvengersUltimateFanSweeps hashtag. You can even use one of the pics of the Hulkbuster included here.

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Threezero Announces 1/6 Scale Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Leonardo and Michelangelo

Pre-order window opens at 6PM, April 8

I was avoiding the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie reboot – the early reports that they would be aliens, not turtles, coupled with the casting of Megan Fox, really turned me off. I just didn’t want to see Michael Bay trample another childhood memory. But I was stuck on another international flight and had nothing else to watch. And to be fair, I thought the movie was good… good enough. It couldn’t possibly usurp the original for me due to nostalgia alone, but I could see how for today’s kids, these new movie Turtles could fill that spot.

So I’m not sure yet how I feel about these TMNT movie figures coming from threezero. They look fantastic – I haven’t looked at frame grabs from the movie, but they seem highly detailed and accurate. The skin textures and paint work look exquisite on these prototypes. The only question mark is the use of a “skin” over an armature in the arms – in my experience that limits articulation and can sometimes wear over time. We’ll see if I pull the trigger next week, when the pre-order window opens. Stay tuned!

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Marvel Legends Thanos – Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America and Thanos

Marvel Legends Thanos wave group shot (1 of 8)

As you may have seen, while I was traveling, I was lucky enough to pick up the Marvel Legends Batroc and Spider-Woman (see their fly-by video) on the pegs at a Hong Kong Toys R Us. I had a pre-order for the Marvel Legends Thanos wave at Amazon (they’re all in stock at regular or sale prices, except for Spider-Woman), and now the rest of the wave, Iron Man, Hulk, and Captain America are here.

That means I can complete my Thanos Build-a-Figure, who was missing his right arm and both legs. I opted not to pick up Hellcat because I didn’t want to be tempted by the leftover BAF piece – like Spider-Woman, she comes with Thanos’ head and left arm. The completionist tendencies (which I am trying to break) will probably win out in the long run.

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