Star Wars Movie Posters Recreated in LEGO

LEGO Star Wars - the Original Trilogy

With ample time to get us hyped up for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, Disney has made the entire Star Wars movie franchise available to stream or download. You can find all six Star Wars movies at Amazon, Google Play, and iTunes. So whatever ecosystem you’re committed to, the Force is strong in that one.

To celebrate Star Wars being online for the first time ever, LEGO has recreated the posters for each movie. Yes, even the prequels, Anakin and Padme haters! And as a bonus, LEGO has included a poster for their upcoming series on Disney XD. LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales will be retelling the movie saga from the perspectives of C-3P0 and R2-D2, in LEGO form, of course.

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Weekend Toy Run: Funko Legacy Game of Thrones on Sale – Today Only

Funko Legacy Game of Thrones 1-day sale

Are you ready for the Game of Thrones season 5 premiere this weekend? Entertainment Earth wants to make sure, offering 15% off of the Funko Legacy Game of Thrones figures, just for today. There’s eleven figures on sale, including all but the Hound from wave 1, so it’s a great time to fill those missing gaps in your collection. Most of the figures are armored up and ready to fight. As usual, poor Ned Stark is one of the exceptions – this guy just can’t catch a break.

[Update: @abuddah tweeted that most of the Game of Thrones figures are cheaper on Amazon. Thanks, Andy!]

Of course, if you need someone to push around Arya Stark or get thrashed by Brienne of Tarth, you can pick up the Hound at Amazon. And if you’re a full-on completionist, you can pick up the exclusive SDCC glow-in-the-dark White Walker from last year and the exclusive Walgreens Tyrion Lannister, both in the aftermarket on eBay but not that pricey. Valar morghulis, and happy shopping!

Note: Our email digests are sent out once a day (we don’t want to clog your inbox when we post more than that), and some subscribers can miss out on these one day only sales. Please consider following AFP on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter for instant updates. Happy shopping!

Marvel Legends Thanos – Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America and Thanos

Marvel Legends Thanos wave group shot (1 of 8)

As you may have seen, while I was traveling, I was lucky enough to pick up the Marvel Legends Batroc and Spider-Woman (see their fly-by video) on the pegs at a Hong Kong Toys R Us. I had a pre-order for the Marvel Legends Thanos wave at Amazon (they’re all in stock at regular or sale prices, except for Spider-Woman), and now the rest of the wave, Iron Man, Hulk, and Captain America are here.

That means I can complete my Thanos Build-a-Figure, who was missing his right arm and both legs. I opted not to pick up Hellcat because I didn’t want to be tempted by the leftover BAF piece – like Spider-Woman, she comes with Thanos’ head and left arm. The completionist tendencies (which I am trying to break) will probably win out in the long run.

Continue reading “Marvel Legends Thanos – Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America and Thanos”

Weekend Toy Run: Star Wars Black Series Emperor Palpatine Wave at Amazon

Star Wars Black Series Emperor Palpatine wave

The latest wave of Star War Black Series 6-inch figures is up for pre-order individually at Amazon. This is great for folks who may want to pick and choose who they’re getting from the wave. Each is $22.99 and qualify for Prime 2-day shipping.

For Prequel fans, you can never have enough Clone Troopers. Original Trilogy fans will want to pick up Emperor Palpatine. And Luke and Han are great for army builders since they can wear their Stormtrooper helmets – but don’t be disappointed that Luke isn’t a little short to be a Stormtrooper. I’m sure customizers will figure out how to fix that easily enough.

Big thanks to our friend Rodney for giving us the heads-up!

Weekend Toy Run: Spider-Man Marvel Legends Hobgoblin Wave at Amazon

SDCC 2014 Hasbro Marvel Legends Spider-Man 2015

The latest wave of Marvel Legends, featuring a Spider-Man theme with a Hobgoblin build-a-figure, is now available to pre-order at Amazon. Each of the figures is available individually for $21.99 with a March 25 release date, and can qualify for free 2-day Prime shipping.

You can also pre-order a case of the Hobgoblin wave at Entertainment Earth for the best per figure price, but that will leave you with an extra Spider-Man and Anti-Venom. Or you can pre-order a set at BigBadToyStore – no leftovers, but it’s a higher per figure price than Amazon and you pay shipping on top of that.

See more of Spidey Legends (aka The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Marvel Legends Infinite Series) in our Marvel Legends report and Marvel Legends video fly-bys from Toy Fair. And thanks to our good friend Paul for once again giving us the heads-up. Happy shopping!

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