Following Mattel’s abrupt San Diego Comic-Con announcement of the closure of MattyCollector at the end of this year, Super7 took over the Masters of the Universe license. They have been working closely with the Four Horsemen to plan for relaunching Masters of the Universe Classics. And while things are not set in stone, it’s possible they may ship their first MOTUC figures before Mattel ships their last.
On the slate for relaunch are “Ultimate Editions” of five classic figures: He-Man, Skeletor, Teela, Faker, and Ram Man. Could these be the “first five (sort of) new prototypes” that Cornboy mentioned sending to Super7 recently? For the first four mentioned, the re-issues will come with alternate heads and accessories that represent all of the major variants for those characters. Ram Man doesn’t have any variants in the line, but I’m guessing Super7 is re-issuing him because fans felt he was under-produced in Mattel’s run.
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